By: Scott Shifferd, Jr. One of the most asked questions about God is “Who created God?” No one should think of God as just another person like the man down the street or some “man in the sky” whose judgments are merely opinions. By asking “Who created God?”, a person needs to first comprehend the definition of God. According to the Bible, God is personal, eternal, and the Creator of the universe. The Bible declares, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen 1:1). The statement “In the beginning, God” claims that God is eternal and exists without cause. The Bible depicted God revealing His identity for Moses, “I AM WHO I AM” (Exod 3:14). How can God exist without a cause? Why does God’s existence exclude God from having a cause? The universe must have a first cause to begin. Without a first cause, infinite time would need to exist in the past. Infinite time in the past is an absurdity that scholars know as an “infinite regress.” An infinite past is impossible, because infinite time would require that the present now would never come to exist. The present now shows the necessity for “the beginning” and the first cause is reasonably God who “created the heavens and the earth.” While infinite time in the universe is absurd, eternity beyond the universe is necessary for God as the first cause. As far as humanity can observe, everything within the universe had a beginning, and everything that begins has a cause. Whatever has a beginning has a cause. The universe began. Therefore, the universe has a cause. Cosmologists observe the decrease of usable energy in the universe and the spreading out of galaxies in an expanding universe as demonstrating that the universe began. When one rewinds these events in time, the conclusion is that the universe had a beginning. As Moses recorded in Genesis 1:1; time, energy, space, and matter has a first cause — God. The first cause of the universe must exist beyond the universe and explain the constant balance of the laws of the universe. One may consider possible causes of the universe such as a mindless multiverse generator or a flux in a timeless void (i.e. changes in nothingness). However, inventing possibilities is limitless and is thus faulty reasoning. For example, one may suppose that a computer fell down some stairs and the impacts upon the computer wrote this article. That is possible but not probable. Many possibilities exist, few options are plausible, and one option has the greatest explanatory power. The universe had a beginning and must have a first cause that is uncaused. The Bible revealed, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” From where did God come? God declared, “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god” (Isa 44:6b). God is eternal, uncaused, and has no creator.
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