Day 10
Today's Challenge
The world is full of children that desperately need a mentor. Maybe you know a child that needs an encourager. Pray for them. Then, make some time to do something about it. Be a volunteer for their activities. Have them over to the house for dinner. Take them out for an activity. Be creative and make a difference. Try to encourage them with both your words and your actions.
Today's Bible Reading
Luke 5-9
Today's Bible Verse
“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’” (Matthew 19:14)
Today's Prayer
Ask God to bless our children as they learn of His love for them. Pray for the weak.
Today's Devotional
In your notebook, journal your thoughts about children in today’s society. How have things changed? What can you do to make a difference with the youth of our culture? What good things have you noticed, especially with our young people in the church family?