Day 22
Today's Challenge
Ever watched a butterfly emerge from a cocoon? Google it. It is an amazing sight. What’s more amazing is what you don’t see. The transformation on the inside. Take an opportunity today to share your story with someone. Tell them how God is changing you from the inside out. If you are into social media, use a tweet, a post, or a group message to let others know how much God means to you.
Today's Bible Reading
Acts 22-28
Today's Bible Verse
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (Matthew 5:6)
Today's Prayer
Pray that your congregation would hunger and thirst for spiritual transformation. Pray for the new members of your congregation.
Today's Devotional
God is not finished with you yet. You will shed your cocoon when you leave this world. In your notebook, journal what you would like to change right now in your life. What things would you like to give up? Are you willing to give them to God?