Day 7
Today's Challenge
We all need a day of rest and a day for fun. Make plans to spend time with your family today. If your family is far away, take this opportunity to call them and tell them about your 40 day experience. Share insight from your personal journey…. but don’t forget to listen to their story.
Today's Bible Reading
Mark 7-11
Today's Bible Verse
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” (James 1:22)
Today's Prayer
Confess our lack of attention to God’s word. Pray for missionaries.
Today's Devotional
In your notebook, journal your thoughts about family time. What did you do? What do you hope to do? What trips/events could you plan this year to benefit your entire family? If you are away from family, what will you do as soon as you return home?