Lesson by Scott Shifferd
Recorded August 27, 2017
A person’s prayer life reveals a lot about their relationship with God. “I prayed for my marriage and my spouse, yet my spouse left me.” “I asked God to heal my best friend, but my friend died.” This message is a plea not to lose faith over “unanswered prayers.” God works all things together for good for those who love Him. God certainly answers the prayers of the righteous who pray according to His will. Some have thought, “A good God should fulfill my requests for good things.” However, the believer must think deeper and recognize that God is able to do and think far beyond what each person is able. God is not a man that anyone may judge Him or think that His actions are arbitrary or matters of opinion. Many lose their faith because God did not grant their request as that expected. This message explores the Bible concerning God’s condition for giving “whatever” a faithful Christian requests.
Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:7-11 (read by David Johnson)
Lesson by Scott Shifferd Recorded August 27, 2017
At what age are Christians done with Christ’s commission? When Jesus finished when he declared, “It is finished.” Christ accomplished his suffering on the cross when he said, “It is finished.” However, Luke reported that his Gospel was of what Jesus began to teach and do. Christ did more. He added to his church. Jesus revealed that he would build his church. Paul professed that all hat he did was Christ working through him. This message examines these passages that compel Christians to continue the mission of making disciples. Jesus revealed himself to his apostles with many proofs. Do Christians have the same or similar blessings that the apostles had to spread the Gospel? This message presents Christ’s proofs that remain evidence today.
Scripture Reading: Acts 1:1-3 (read by David Johnson)
Lesson by Scott Shifferd Recorded August 20, 2017
Does your focus clothe your appearance? Paul instructed disciples to put on the qualities of God’s chosen, holy, and beloved people. These faithful followers clothed themselves in Christian virtues. Where do we begin? In Colossians 3, Paul also exhorted Christians to look to things above and not earthly things. Paul even specified that the earthly things were sexually immoral and prideful speech. How do people lose their focus on what really matters? Everyone faces death and yet many try to distract themselves from reality. The hope of change begins in the Gospel message of Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. In this process, Christians mature and put on the Christian virtues like compassion. Those qualities are what unite Christians and cross racial and social divides. May God bless those who consider this biblical message from the Holy Spirit.
Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:12-17 (read by Gene Bryant)
Lesson by Scott Shifferd Recorded August 13, 2017
The world wants everyone to accept them as they identify themselves, but they refuse to accept how God made them in His image. They refuse to accept the identity of Christ. They want others to accept their way of life while they reject the Christian’s way of life. People are confused. If we look, one thing that all people can see is that no one can keep their own moral code perfectly. Most people rationalize immoral behaviors. Immorality increases to more immorality. People corrupt their own morality. That morality they have invented comes selfishly for themselves. Humanity is guilty and needs a Savior. However, God loved humanity while yet sinners and sent Jesus Christ. God’s grace has come through Christ. However, God’s grace does not permit that we continue to do wrong but that we are saved from evil, sin, and lawlessness to turn from such evil. This message presents that God forgives us of all sins as long as we walk in the light. How do we walk in the light?
Scripture Reading: I John 1:5-10 (read by Gerrit Dekker)
Lesson by Scott Shifferd Recorded August 6, 2017
What is so amazing about God's grace? Humanity does not deserve grace. No one can earn salvation from the guilt and eternal consequences of sins. However, while dead in sins, God demonstrated His love and mercy to all in grace giving salvation through Christ. This message presents a concise definition of God’s forgiving grace. God’s grace works through the Gospel — the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The Scriptures are clear about the devastating state of humanity. All by nature were children of wrath. “For by grace you have been saved through faith.” God’s grace compels the believer to live godly and upright. By grace, God has purified for Himself a people of His own possession. Grace changes believers.
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10 (read by David Johnson)
Lesson by Scott Shifferd Recorded July 30, 2017 |
AuthorA broadcast of the weekly "Lesson of the Hour" presented each Lord's Day during our AM Assembly! Archives
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