By: Undre Griggs, Jr. The task of becoming a Christian can seem daunting; and the task of remaining faithful until death can be equally overwhelming (Revelations 2:10). For this reason, many feel they are not worthy or unable to devote their life to Christ in baptism. The reality we all have shortcomings should be a call to action; not a reason for inaction. Matthew 7:7-8 (ESV): “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Jehovah is a loving Father who is willing to give His children whatever they need to succeed. The first step is ours to take; we only need to humble ourselves and ask the Father for help. If we pray to the Father to allow us to read the Bible more, we only need to be willing to accept the Bible teacher position offered to us the next week. If we pray for patience, then we should be accepting of the manner in which God helps us to grow our patience. That could be God chastening us by providing us with interactions where others are showing us more kindness than we would show others in the same situation. God is going to give us what we need to be able to achieve the results we ask for. We have to be aware of these blessing by seeking them out. At times we will find the grace of God in some unlikely places; but if we labor for the Lord, we will find our reward. Matthew 7:9-11 (ESV): Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him! We ask God to help mold us into a better person because we want to be pleasing to Him. We seek God’s satisfaction for our work in His church because we ultimately want God to open the gates of Heaven when we knock. Jehovah is righteous, trustworthy, and honest in His interactions with His children. If we live in obedience and earnestly try to learn God’s will, He will reward us. Since all good gifts come from above (James 1:17), it is up to us to our requests known to God. It is not His role to give us any more than what He has already given us. The Apostle Paul speaks on the beauty of the world as a way for the world to know there is a Creator (Romans 1:20). His willingness to give His Son on the cross while we were still sinners shows a love that words cannot describe (Romans 5:8). There is enough evidence for us to comfortably be able to know there is a Creator and that the Creator loves us beyond words. All we need to do is be humble enough to ask, diligent enough to seek; to know that when we knock, the door will be opened.
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